Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mario Groom's Cake

I'm neglected this blog yet again. I'm a terrible person. I've been putting all my energy into my Artisan Breads class as well as my Advanced Patisserie & Display Cakes class. It's been super intense. When I'm not in school, I'm working on homework. When I'm not working on homework, I'm sleeping. Thankfully, I have three weeks left before a two week break. I'm looking forward to it.

Last week we had 10 hours (two class days) to make a groom's cake. It had to feed 30 people and have a carved element to it. The choices were 1) fishing 2) golf 3) poker 4) darth vader or 5) think of something else that fits the "groom's cake" theme. So I chose an old school Nintendo. My chef said I had to add other 3-D elements to it in order to make it more interesting. So I made a Mario out of fondant and other Mario Brothers elements to put around the cake. Here's how it turned out:

There are a lot of mistakes and parts that do not look so great. I know I need to get over it. I mean, I only had 10 hours to do this 4-layer cake. In the real world, something like this can take up to a week to complete. So I shouldn't get down on myself, right?

If you want to see it in person, it's in the window on 9th Street in the windows of the Gourmet Gallery at the Art Institutes. Stop by and take a look.

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